Songs off of In the Daze of Christ:

MP3  |  RealAudio  |  WAV

God's Lyricist
MP3  |  RealAudio  |  WAV

In the Daze of Christ
MP3  |  RealAudio  |  WAV

The Exhortation of God
MP3  |  RealAudio  |  WAV

Trust Him
MP3  |  RealAudio  |  WAV

Note:  All wavs are only 15 seconds.  To hear the whole song, choose RealAudio or MP3.

Desktop Theme
Stained Cross Theme v1.0
Click here to view a screenshot of the theme!

Theme installation instructions (Also comes with the theme zip file.  Just look up the README.txt file.)

Check this out...
We've now got a video for our song 'Trust Him'!  Please note however, that this video is not professional, just something to bring a smile to your face, especially if you know us!  If you want it, click here!  It won't take that long to download.

Also, we now have our debut album, "In the Daze of Christ", avaliable to everyone!  It has 5 songs (Armageddon, God's Lyricist, In the Daze of Christ, The Exhortation of God, and Trust Him) and it is an enhanced CD, so you can pop it into your computer, and have fun too!  If you want a copy of it, it's $5.  Just e-mail me at for more info on how to get your hands on a copy of it!

We'll be adding a merchandise page soon, with shirts and other cool SC stuff, so check back for that!

       A screen saver will be added shortly, so come back soon!

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